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Raw Data From First 48 Hours of #iranelection

I've put together a .csv (comma-separated file) with the results I pulled off of Twitter for the first 48 hours of the Iranian election events. Be aware--it's about 20MB. Hopefully, many of you will find this useful in your own research. The columns are tweet id, date and time, text, profile image path, twitter username, twitter user id, and twitter user id of the immediate "reply to" (note that, in my graph analysis, I keep track of all @'s in the message, not just the first one as Twitter does. Only that first id is listed in the data file.)

Twitter Graph Analysis Results for Iranian Elections

If you've read my swineflu analysis, some of this should make sense. I ran a search on '#iranelection OR Tehran OR Ahmadinejad OR Mousavi' in Twitter for the period between Friday and Sunday evening. From the 79,957 results I got back, below is some graph analysis of what came out.

Copyright Mike Edwards 2006-2009. All content available under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, unless otherwise noted.

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