Twitter Graph Analysis Results for Iranian Elections

If you've read my swineflu analysis, some of this should make sense. I ran a search on '#iranelection OR Tehran OR Ahmadinejad OR Mousavi' in Twitter for the period between Friday and Sunday evening. From the 79,957 results I got back, below is some graph analysis of what came out.

I'll mostly let the results speak for themselves (since I'm not well informed enough on Iranian politics to make much comment), but I will point out that there are a huge proportion of retweets to tweets, roughly a third, as indicated by 'RT". I usually see about a 1 to 10 or 1 to 20 ratio. That's massive.

Also, stopahmadi is far and away the largest authority shown via the HITS algorithm, which might indicate that it's the opposition who are getting the advantage of Twitter. Not shocking, really, but maybe a bit more evidence for that. Of course, the whole world is tweeting this, and Ahmadinejad is not much beloved outside his country, so take all of this with a large grain of salt.

The "hub" scores look a little flat (there's often a biggish gap between the top hub and the 10th top hub), but I can't adequately explain that either. Top hub seems to be an American conservative news tweeter.

The numbers (biggest scores at bottom of the lists--I really need to reverse those, but whatever):

Betweenness centrality

alexlobov 0.003
stardragonca 0.003
ahmadinejad 0.003
sashakane 0.003
mahdi 0.003
jasonbradbury 0.003
mideastyouth 0.005
iran09 0.006
oxfordgirl 0.006
stopahmadi 0.014

Closeness centrality in largest SCC

pogoose 0.285
ivanlasso 0.288
amadril 0.290
fredinchina 0.292
mideastyouth 0.293
april_itt 0.293
oxfordgirl 0.293
solidadrocks 0.296
argyle13 0.299
paladine 0.300

Indegree centrality

iran09 0.018
iranriggedelect 0.019
jimsciuttoabc 0.020
mahdi 0.020
jasonbradbury 0.021
breakingnews 0.026
cnnbrk 0.026
change_for_iran 0.036
mousavi1388 0.039
stopahmadi 0.053

Outdegree centrality

zakhi24 0.003
amadril 0.003
sashakane 0.003
mabs0 0.004
solidadrocks 0.004
oxfordgirl 0.004
paladine 0.004
mideastyouth 0.004
argyle13 0.004
secondlifehere 0.007


keyvan 0.008
breakingnews 0.008
jimsciuttoabc 0.008
cnnbrk 0.009
jasonbradbury 0.009
change_for_iran 0.010
ahmadinejad 0.010
stopahmadi 0.018
vgnettroar 0.053
mousavi1388 0.062


josemanuelr 0.01
ulibeudgen 0.01
notalifer 0.01
valkyrie12668 0.01
kristenmchugh22 0.01
trekkerguy 0.01
ocean_raven 0.01
razzmichi 0.01
cyn3matic 0.01
wotn 0.01


oxfordgirl 0.02
y_shar 0.02
keyvan 0.02
mohamadreza 0.02
mahdi 0.02
mousavi1388 0.02
iran09 0.03
change_for_iran 0.03
iranriggedelect 0.03
stopahmadi 0.15

Copyright Mike Edwards 2006-2009. All content available under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, unless otherwise noted.